small business working with legal team to protect physical products
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What Do Small Businesses and Nonprofits Need Protection From?

As a business owner or nonprofit organization, it is important to be aware of the many threats that exist, both internally and externally. From data breaches to employee lawsuits, there are a multitude of potential risks that can have a serious impact on your business.  By taking steps to protect your business, you can help…

nonprofit accepting donations

7-Figure Nonprofit Problems

As a nonprofit organization transitions from generating six figures in revenue to reaching seven figures, it faces changing needs and challenges.  Strengthening the organization’s leadership, brand and positioning, scaling fundraising efforts, attracting and retaining talent, and emphasizing transparency are also critical. Challenges include resource allocation, scalability, increased competition, donor retention, and evolving stakeholder expectations. Nonprofit…

M&A Attorney advising a client
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Why an M&A Business Attorney is a MUST During Mergers and Acquisitions

The process of Mergers and Acquisitions can be very complicated, it is essential to have a M&A business attorney to help you through the process. They will be able to advise you on the legal aspects of the merger or acquisition, and can help to negotiate the terms of the deal. Having a business attorney…

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The Key Differences Between Mergers and Acquisitions

Mergers and acquisitions can be a great way for companies to grow and become more successful. However, it is important to understand the key differences between these two types of transactions before embarking on either one. There are a few key differences between mergers and acquisitions. First, in a merger, both companies join together to…

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Why General Counsel for Small Businesses is Necessary

So you are sitting in your office working on nailing down a contract, and the other party decides to send you their standard contract. Being the astute business person that you are, you look over the contract and find changes. You send your changes to them, they send changes to you, then you have to…